Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Poster Blitz!

We're planning a poster blitz in several areas on February 24th to kick-start the publicity for the Day of Hunger. We'll post times and meeting locations soon. Please email if you're interested in putting one together in your area! It doesn't necessarily have to be on the exact day, but we want the first big push to be kind of around the same time.

- Tasha

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hey friends! I’d just like to make a little appearance on this here blog, as I’ve been working with Tasha to help get the word out.

My name is Rachel. I’m a writer, aspiring to become a child advocate. I stalk photography blogs, am a frequent tenant of the chocolate aisle at Target, and can't keep my head out of a novel for longer than a day. I dream of going to Africa one day, which brings me here. 
Through the Invisible Children movement, I have become aware of the agony of Africa, and yearned to become a part of this generation of hope for those beautiful people. I stumbled upon this event via facebook, and was intrigued by Tasha’s passion for such a simple, but crucial cause. I was thrilled that there was something small I could give, in my position, that can directly help.

I look forward to standing with you on March 24th, to live, one day, as they have only known all their lives. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day of Hunger

Welcome to the Day of Hunger blog! This was created in order to facilitate the goals of the actual Day of Hunger movement. Here and the Facebook page will be the main places to look for information, news, chances to help out, tips, ways to spread the word, and, of course, the all-important donate button.

My name is Tasha. I'm a student at Brigham Young University as well as a musician, a writer, and a player of Ultimate Frisbee. I grew up in Minnesota, and I like to make fun of people who grew up where it's warm in the winter. Like any other kid, I always dreamed of making a difference in the world. This is my way of achieving that dream.

But it's more than just a personal dream. Day of Hunger has the potential to affect thousands of people, both on the giving and receiving ends. The best thing about it is that it is so simple. Go without food for the entire span of March 24th. Donate the money that would have been spent on food to the Day of Hunger fund. Be generous, both through your donations as well as your efforts to spread the word. Your tiny contribution can do more than you probably realize.

A disclaimer: I'm no professional. This is a grassroots effort, and things might not be as slick and efficient as one might hope. But that's kind of the point; this is about real people, by real people, and for real people. I may joke around, but this truly is a serious issue. We can't afford to ignore it.

I hope you'll join me on March 24th with a growling stomach and a smile on your face. Thanks for everything you do.

- Tasha